
2nd Higher Education Institution Readiness for Innovation and Technopreneurship (HeIRIT) Conference

The 2nd HeIRIT Conference was held last October 11, 2019 at the West Visayas State University (WVSU). The conference theme was HEAR IT, and focused on the challenges experienced by both new and old Technology Business Incubators (TBIs). In one of the sessions, these are the identified issues faced by most TBIs: Procurement ? this pertains to the processing of equipment outlay and other related requests. Private universities seem to be at a slight advantage compared to State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in this aspect. Hiring ? most TBIs are having difficulties in looking for the appropriate staff in terms of qualifications and compensation. Some TBIs also experienced the resignation of key staff in the TBI during implementation. Operationalization ? since most Universities are putting up this new office, challenges arise when the institution stakeholders are unaware or systems are not yet in place. Incubatees and Mentoring ? the challenge lies in finding the right incubatees aligned with the banner program and determined to finish the program. For some, finding mentors is also a pressing problem. Physical space ? most of the TBIs are on makeshift spaces and looking forward to the completion of a dedicated area for the incubation and other activities. The Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of The Philippine Innovative Startup Act (ISA) or Republic Act 11337 was also discussed. The IRR was crafted after doing public consultations in several cities in the country. Pertinent provisions are about the Definition of Startups and Innovation. TBIs or Startup enablers may also access available funds subject to criteria that is yet to be finalized. The conference ended with several talks regarding the international Study Visits conducted in various TBI-related organizations in India and Singapore. Local benchmarking activities were also presented to forge links among TBIs and to learn best practices.

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