
Report on the Three-day Technopreneurship Track Development And Student Design Challenge Bootcamp

The Three-day workshop was held in Widus Hotel and Casino at the Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga. The event was attended by Gerald Irigan (Technology Officer) and Patrick Amulong (TBI Coordinator) of the DOST-TOMASInno Center. On the first day, Dr. Evelyn Taboada, Dean of College of Engineering of the University of San Carlos gave a talk on UREKA and Technopreneurship Track at the University of San Carlos. Mr. Emil Tapnio, Program Director of PhilDev Foundation, shared his knowledge on developing a framework for an Entrepreneurial University and best practices in running an incubator/accelerator. A startup from Innovation for Social Impact Partnership (ISIP) shared his story and his startup?s story on how their product makes lives of fishermen more efficient and use our agricultural resources to make our country better. On the second day of the three-day workshop, the whole day is a Design Thinking workshop designed to ?Train the Trainers?. Ms. Joie Cruz, CEO of Limitless Lab, conducted the workshop and took the participants into a deep learning from scratch during the start of the session up to a pen and paper prototype by the end of the workshop in the afternoon. On the third and final day of the Technopreneurship Track Development. Students from different universities and state colleges arrived in Widus Hotel & Casino to do design thinking with the facilitators that just got trained on the second day. The design thinking workshop was whole day and before the day ends, the students presented their ideas and simple prototype to the facilitators. The facilitators then evaluated the top idea among all the student participants, this is also a great time for the first-time facilitators to judge ideas and the capabilities of the students. The day ended on a dinner and awarding of the winners of the student boot camp
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